July 21st 2022 3pm-6.30pm GMT  London 

FEE: £29.95

BUY a GIFT Voucher for a Workshop or Paint Along Click HERE

This 3.5 hour-long Live Zoom class includes instruction, demonstration, and question + answer time. It will give you a good incite in how I use PanPastel and Watercolour together to create paintings. I will also show you how I use watercolour over Panpastel to create stunning creative marks. You will learn composition, value, colour temperatures and how to interpret a photograph. Depth of Field and Movement. I will teach you how to create multiple glazed layers of colour keeping transparency. We will be exploring mark making and discussing how important this is in artistic development.

  • Students will need, for each class:

    • Students will need 1 sheet of Cold pressed watercolour paper,
      I suggest approx A3 roughly  
    • Printouts of reference material. (sent to registered students)
    • 3 x Sofft wedge shaped sponges
    • Good source of Materials From Jackson Art London Click Here

    A selection of Watercolours or inks
    Number 10 or 8 or 12 round brush, maybe one for detail, palette and waterpot.

    PanPastel Colours

    • Phthalo Blue Extra dark 560.1
    • Magenta Extra dark 430.1
    • Orange Tint 280.8
    • White 100.5
    • Paynes Grey 820.5
    • Ultramarine Blue Tint 520.8
    • Ultramarine Blue 520.5
    • Diarylide Yellow  Tint 250.8
    • Permanent Red 340.5
      My 20 Set of PanPastels From Jackson Art London Click Here
      My 10 Set of PanPastels From Jackson Art London Click Here

    A few pastel sticks and Pastel pencils or watercolour pencils